Editable Checklist
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These checklists have helped keep me organized throughout different parts of my day. I've found it helpful to print off multiples of the checklists and attach them to a clipboard. This makes it super easy to cross off things you've accomplished!
You can use the checklists in many different ways, including:
- fire drill or emergency tub/folder (just keep your class list near your door with a pencil attached)
- weekly homework tracker
- recess line checker
- absent list
- fundraisers
- permission slips
- money collection
The lanyard checklist is my absolute favorite tool! Just type in your class names, print, and slide into a lanyard protector. This helped make me feel safe and prepared in my school.
To Use: Simply type in the names of your students or your list of to-dos in PowerPoint (download the PowerPoint document). Enjoy!