Quarter 2 - Differentiated Comprehension Journal

Quarter 2 - Differentiated Comprehension Journal

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Quarter 2 includes 20 differentiated paired texts and response sheets. Below is a list of the topics/titles.
10 Nonfiction Topics:
  • A Look at Reindeer (Facts about Reindeer)
  • A Trip to the Toy Shop (About the Oldest Toy Shop)
  • Life in an Igloo (About the Inuit People and Igloos)
  • Kindness Counts (What It Means to Volunteer and Donate)
  • Climb to the Top (All About Mt. Everest)
  • Under the Arctic Ice (All About Beluga Whales)
  • Winter is Here (What Happens in Winter?)
  • Mother and Cub (All About Polar Bear Mothers and Cubs)
  • Harp Seal Adventures (All About Harp Seals)
  • You Better Brush Up! (What did people use before toothpaste?)
10 Fiction Topics:
  • Rudy's Cookies
  • The Perfect Toy!
  • Do You Want to Build an Igloo?
  • Warm Their Hearts
  • Let's Pretend and Play!
  • The Big Snowfall
  • The Messy Den!
  • Bella and Pepper
  • It's Diving Day!
  • A Trip to the Dentist!
There are five steps that students will be required to complete for each passage.
Step 1: I Can Read the Text - This step requires students to simply read the text one time to "get their feet wet."
Step 2: I Can Understand the Text - This step requires students to re-read the text and focus on the three highlighted vocabulary words. Students will have to match each word to its correct picture and meaning.
Step 3: I Can Picture the Text - This step requires students to visualize the text and then draw a detailed picture of whey visualized.
Step 4: I Can Write About the Text - This step requires students to answer a text-dependent question. Students will be required to go back to the text to find evidence that supports their answer.
Step 5: Comprehension Check-Up - This is the last step. This step requires students to answer "true" or "false" to sentences (for the nonfiction passages) OR write short answer responses (for the fiction passages)
The Comprehension Journal can be used in MANY different ways. To start, I suggest modeling how to use these passages as a whole group. Once your students become familiar with the structure and procedures, the sheets could be completed in a small group setting, with a partner, or independently. I provide colored and grayscale/black and white versions for your convenience.
You will notice that the format and layout are the same for each of the passage and response sheets. I did that intentionally so that you don’t have to spend an excessive amount of time explaining HOW to complete an activity and can dive right in! This will help allow students to successfully complete the activities independently.
If you have ANY questions about this bundle, please e-mail me at lyndsey@lyndseykuster.com.